Saturday, April 26, 2014

Salt Box

 Hogs were the main source of protein for the country family.  Hogs were slaughtered and the meat cured or smoked. The hollowed out poplar log above was used to cure meat in the early 1830's-1840's  by the Caperton family. A hollow log was used during this time period because sawn lumber was difficult to find. Salt would be placed in the log and the meat added. More layers of salt would cover the meat. Some people may have added sugar and pepper. A lid would then be placed over the top.  Using salt to preserve meat was necessary before refrigeration.

This salt box was purchased at an auction of the estate of Jack Caperton. This particular log is almost 12 feet long and weighs as much as 500 pounds. Today it is used in our sunroom to hold potted plants and serves as a conversation piece.

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