Sunday, July 27, 2014

Another Battle

It appears raccoons have been reconnoitering our corn patch waiting for exactly the right time to invade- when the ears of corn are perfectly formed. From past experience we knew to be ready. As you can see in the pictures we were not quite successful. Our corn was planted inside a 6 foot tall fences guarded with several different kinds of animal traps. We used marshmallows for bait, but the sweet corn was more appetizing to the coons.

When they got in the field they proceeded to tear down a stalk of corn, pulled the shucks apart exposing the corn, and took a few bites off the ear. They then moved on to the next. Much of the ear was not eaten but wasted.

Raccoons are omnivores- eating both plants and animals. They will eat fruit, acorns, crayfish, insects, rodents, fish, young rabbits, turtles, garbage, birds and eggs. However, their absolute favorite is corn and grapes. They adapt and co-exist with humans often making them a nuisance and health concern as they often carry rabies. The wetlands adjacent to our property are a prime habitat for raccoons, and we are plagued with them every year. They not only get in the raid the corn, they will get in the chicken pen and kill hens. They will eat the entire chicken usually killing only 1 or 2 at a time.

We are always looking into other ways to deal with them. One very effective method will be to electrify the fence. That will be a future project. When you live as we do, there are always daily battles with nature. Nature wins more than we would  like.

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