Saturday, June 13, 2015

Stevenson Depot Days

Here you can see some of my latest winter projects. I have been collecting weathered shingles from old log cabins. These particular shingles are anywhere from one hundred and to one hundred and fifty years old. I have saved these for forty years and this winter I had the inspiration to use them to paint signs on the .  The topics are limitless.

We are displaying them today at the Stevenson Depot Days. The crowd was great this morning, but the summer temperatures have driven people indoors.

Another Predator

As usual, spring has brought out another one of our resident predators. Instead of killing the chickens, this one likes to eat the eggs. Friday, I when I went to gather the eggs I found a five foot snake in the hen's nest. The chicken snake, also called a rat snake, has a taste for mice but when given the opportunity he will raid a nest of eggs.  I really like snakes and hate to kill them, so I usually just carry them away from the house. I took this one over to our hay barn hoping he would help reduce  the mice population.

Becky has always thought the same snake was coming back. To test her theory, I spray painted this one's tail with fluorscent orange marking paint. I carried him off late Friday afternoon and he was back in the chickens' nests by noon on Monday. I knew it was the same snake because of the orange tail.  Over the past 40 years I have carried away over 100 snakes. I now wonder how many of those were making the return trip.

The moral of this story: Carrying a snake almost a mile away, having it cross two hills, and one swamp will not guarantee its return.