Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pesky Woodpecker

Woodpeckers are such beautiful birds The Pileated woodpecker, about the size of a crow, are mostly black with a conspicuous red crest, white throat, and white stripes on the wings and the side of the neck. You may have heard its distinct yuk-yuk-yuk- whistle, almost like it is taunting you when you run them off. We have a pair that nest in a hollow tree near the house and have been here for many years.

Even though we have aged trees full of insects to feed theses birds, several decided to explore our porch rafters for food. Early in the morning you would hear they tap-tap-tap coming from the porch.  During the spring the bumblebees had bored into the rafters and laid their eggs doing damage but not as much as the woodpeckers did trying to get to the larva.We would go out and shoo them away only to have them return the next day.

Our solution was to purchase several $1 plastic snakes and hang them from the rafters. Problem solved. We used their natural predators against them. By living in such close proximity to wetlands along the Tennessee River, the beaver swamps kill timber that have become a haven for all kinds of woodpeckers. We really enjoy watching this fascinating birds.