Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Oxeye Daisy

This white-and-yellow Daisy is a common sight on roadsides, and in meadows and pastures. It has no medicinal use and is not considered a weed but can be an invasive species, especially in pastures. The plants often crowd out pasture grasses. Oxeye daisies form spreading colonies up to three feet tall with flowers about 1-2 inches in size. You will see it blooming throughout the summer months.

This species, also called the "day's eye", can make dairy farmers very unhappy. If eaten by cows it can produce a not so pleasant flavor to the milk- even though cattle typically do not like to eat it due to the offensive taste. The daisy was introduced to North America form Europe.

Everyone may not agree that the oxeye daisy is a beneficial plant, but you cannot ignore its beauty. This pen and ink drawing of a jersey cow in the midst of oxeye daisies is available for $40.00.

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